Participants share their feelings about TIC Americas
Mission Three:
“The competition allowed us to really focus on our values, operations and making those more efficient. We learned more about our identity through the process of TIC Americas.”
“The competition allowed us to really focus on our values, operations and making those more efficient. We learned more about our identity through the process of TIC Americas.”
South Hope:
“Thanks to TIC Americas, South Hope is a National Project, is more than a Business Plan done by 9 Mexicans, but is the Hope of many families that don't have the same opportunities that we had, and is the Hope for many children that have the same dreams that we have. The award, the money and the trophy were consequence of one year of working in the Business Plan, and that our principal guide was YABT.
We want to firmly thank the Young Americas Business Trust for all the Support,Guidance and Help that gave us through this year.”
Edge It:
Participating in TIC Americas in Panama was a great experience for us from Edge IT. The energy of all other entrepreneurs presented us a new way to see how very similar challenges are faced from country to country. This same energy was by all driven into business initiatives that allow us to see the commitment to the regional growth. Being awarded for a solution that was developed 100% by our staff members also acknowledges our dedication and creativity that we trust it to be our major assets.
“After TIC Americas we are one step closer to achieve our dream: to make blinds see"