Professor Alain Brossat X Professor Kuan-Hsing Chen
A Dialogue on Asia as Method and Other Writings
Monday, June 13, 2016, 1:30pm/6月13日(週一)下午1:30
R106A, HA Building 2, NCTU/交通大學人社二館106A研討室
The 'Contemporary Third World Thought Lecture Series', organised by Professor Kuan-Hsing Chen and administratively supported by International Institute for Cultural Studies (IICS) and Center for Asia-Pacific/Cultural Studies, NCTU, offered several of the most memorable and high-profile speech events on the NCTU campus. From March through May 2016, speakers from Barbados, Lebanon, Uganda, Turkey/US, and India shared insightful thoughts on decolonisation, deimperialisation, and global politics. Both Professor Alain Brossat and Professor Kuan-Hsing Chen were avid participants in these speech events. The thoughtful, and very often passionate, discussions they therein had with the speakers, the audiences, and each other brought forth the idea of a public dialogue. Meant to address at once their shared interests and acute disagreements, this dialogue is a rare opportunity to witness two prolific, socially-engaged scholars debating crucial issues ranging from third world consciousness to universality.
今年三月至五月,緣於社會與文化研究所陳光興教授的積極籌劃、國立交通大學文化研究國際中心及亞太/文化研究中心的行政支援,「第三世界當代思想系列演講」於交通大學及台北牯嶺街小劇場、狐狸野餐等藝文、演講場地,吸引許多聽眾參與。透過系列演講,來自加勒比海小國巴貝多(Barbados)、黎巴嫩、烏干達、土耳其/美國、印度的學者暨研究者,與在地聽眾一同深入探究去殖民、去帝國,及全球政經結構等複雜問題。巴黎第八大學哲學系名譽教授Alain Brossat與陳光興教授同為系列演講的積極參與者。過程中,兩人不僅與講者及現場觀眾對話,亦數度熱烈交鋒。此等思想交流的經驗,激發出兩人公開對談的構想。在這場難得的對談裡,Brossat教授與陳教授將暢談知識普世性到第三世界意識等各樣問題。針對兩人思想、意見的歧異,將有深刻的說明和辯論。
Alain Brossat
巴黎第八大學哲學系名譽教授,交通大學社文所客座訪問教授。專研政治哲學。重要作品包括Le grand dégoût culturel, Paris, 2008; Droit à la vie, Paris, 2010; L'Epreuve du désastre, le XX° siècle et les camps, Paris, 1996.
陳光興/Kuan-Hsing Chen
國立交通大學社會與文化研究所教授。Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements、《人間思想》主編。學術專長為亞洲文化研究、東亞學術思想與知識狀況、去殖民理論。代表作品《去帝國:亞洲做為方法》。