第三世界當代思想系列演講Ⅱ:Anaheed Al-Hardan
Contemporary Third World Thought Lecture Series Ⅱ: Anaheed Al-Hardan
講者/Speaker:Anaheed Al-Hardan (American University of Beirut, Lebanon 黎巴嫩貝魯特美國大學)
講者簡介/Note on speaker: Anaheed Al-Hardan is an Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies at the American University of Beirut. Her research interests are in the areas of collective memories and remembrance, decolonial, indigenous and feminist of color theory, modern Arab intellectual and political history and imperialism and anti-imperialist social movements. She joins the Department from the ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry, where she was a Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-13). Prior to the ICI, she was a Palestinian American Research Center Doctoral Fellow in Damascus (2007-08) and a researcher on the Global Networks Project at the Institute for International Integration Studies in Trinity College, University of Dublin (2006-07). She has also previously taught in the Department of Sociology at Trinity College, University of Dublin, where she completed her doctoral dissertation (2011). Her The Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities is being published by Columbia University Press in 2016.
4/12(二) 14:00-17:00
On the history of British/Zionist colonialism in Palestine
4/13(三) 14:00-17:00
Palestinians in Syria: Nakba memories of shattered communities
The Palestine question and contemporary politics
Experiences of the Palestinians in the postcolonial era
主辦單位: 亞際書院、台灣聯合大學系統&交通大學 文化研究國際中心、交通大學亞太/文化研究室、交通大學社會與文化研究所、台灣性別人權協會、身體氣象館、台灣社會研究季刊、牯嶺街小劇場、國立清華大學亞太/文化研究中心