文學與文化系列 演講六十五
「The Cultural Politics of Representation」
講者:白瑞梅Amie Parry
地點:清華大學 人社院C509教室
Amie Parry teaches at the English Department of National Central University and is a member of its Center for the Study of Sexualities. She is the author of Interventions into Modernist Cultures: Poetry from Beyond the Empty Screen, which was awarded the Association for Asian American Studies Book Award in Literary Studies. She is also joint-author, with Naifei Ding and Jen-peng Liu, of Penumbrae Query Shadow: Queer Reading Tactics.
主辦單位:台灣 聯大文化研究國際中心、台灣聯合大學系統文化研究跨校學程、清華大學人社院學士班文化研究學程、清華大學中國文學系、清華大 學亞太/文化研究中心、交通大學亞太/文化研究室
聯絡人:清華大學亞太/文化研究中心 陳小姐
(校內分機:34329、 專線:03-5724876、E-mail:apcs@my.nthu.edu.tw