Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements

17.1 visual essay
17.1 visual essay



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  »  Issues Contents  2015-03-13 Volume 13 Number 4

Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements

Volume 13 Number 4    December 2012

American pop culture

Editorial introduction: American pop culture
CHUA Beng Huat and Younghan CHO

The Americanization of pop culture in Asia?
Allen CHUN

Imported others: American influences and exoticism in Japanese interwar popular music
Edgar W. POPE

America, modernity, and democratization of everyday life: Japanese women’s magazines during the occupation period

Major League Baseball as a forged national pastime: constructing personalized national narratives in South Korea
Younghan CHO

The most careful arrangements for a careful fiction: a short history of Asia pictures
Charles LEARY

What can a gwei por do? Cynthia Rothrock’s Hong Kong career
Meaghan MORRIS

American women in the new China: muted exceptionalisms at twilight
Stacilee FORD

Singapore’s ‘Cinema-Age’ of the 1930s: Hollywood and the shaping of Singapore modernity

Visual essay
‘See what my daughters can do in peace’: Philippines and the maternal conduits of US empire
Dinah ROMA

Contesting multiculturalism
Silent but imperial: ethno-racial transgressions and interracial brotherhood in the French-Hong Kongese fiction film Vengeance (2009)

Popular culture and history
Reception of the revisionist historical manga in Japan: a case study of university students
Alexander BUKH

Translocal reading
A dialogue on Chinese Male Homosexualities
Denise Tse-Shang TANG

Writing people’s histories with lenses ― a brief review of The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement
Li-Hsin KUO


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