Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements

17.1 visual essay
17.1 visual essay



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  »  Issues Contents  2015-03-13 Volume 10 Number 2
'Neo-liberal conditions of knowledge'

Editorial introduction 

Domination by ‘money power’: one year after the corporatization of national universities 
'State-guided’ university reform and colonial conditions of knowledge production 
Knowledge production in the era of neo-liberal globalization: reflections on the changing academic conditions in Taiwan 
College rank and neo-liberal subjectivity in South Korea: the burden of self-development 
The deception of the ‘idea of self-responsibility’ and ‘individualization’: neo-liberal rhetoric as revealed in the corporatization of Japan’s national universities 
Local interpretation of global management discourses in higher education in Hong Kong: potential impact on academic culture 
Knowledge production in a latecomer: reproducing economics in Taiwan 
Science as ideology: SSCI, TSSCI and the evaluation system of social sciences in Taiwan 
A critical study on the university and academic assessment system in Korea 

Visual Essay
HU Min   
Translocal Readings 
Body shops: where cultures meet 
Continental contemporaries: Rabindranath Tagore and Okakura Tenshin 
The club and the carrot of China’s globalization 
Bridging pop culture and advertising research 
Our history, large and small 

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Notes for contributors

Vol 17 No 1

17.1 visual essay

Vol 1~9

Vol 10-15

Vol 16 No 1-4

Vol 10 visual essay

Vol 11 visual essay

Vol 12 visual essay

Vol 13 visual essay

Vol 14-15 visual essay

Vol 16 visual essay

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