泰西50轶事(四十二)说不完的故事 江铭辉 五梦网
泰西50轶事(Fifty Famous Stories Retold),是永恒的短篇故事,它收集的故事:包括浩瀚历史的著名英雄和他们的罗曼史,故事内容有勇气、毅力和情感。故事人物包括拿破仑、罗宾汉,乔治华盛顿、成吉思汗等人。这些故事都是老少咸宜的故事,我将它逐篇翻译,并配合图画,供大家欣赏。
The Endless Tale
IN the Far East there was a great king who had no work to do. Every day, and all day long, he sat on soft cushions and listened to stories. And no matter what the story was about, he never grew tired of hearing it, even though it was very long.
“There is only one fault that I find with your story,”he often said,“It is too short.”
All the storytellers in the world were invited to his palace; and some of them told tales that were very long indeed. But the king was always sad when a story was ended.
“我发现你的故事只有一个缺点,”他常说,“那就是太短了(图1)。” 世界上所有会讲故事的人都被请到宫殿里。他们当中,有些人说的故事的确很长,可是每当一个故事说完时,国王总是很难过。
At last he sent word into every city and town and country place, offering a prize to any one who should tell him an endless tale. He said, “To the man that will tell me a story which shall last forever, I will give my fairest daughter for his wife; and I will make him my heir, and he shall be king after me.”
But this was not all. He added a very hard condition.“If any man shall try to tell such a story and then fail, he shall have his head cut off.”
The king’s daughter was very pretty, and there were many young men in that country who were willing to do anything to win her. But none of them wanted to lose their heads, and so only a few tried for the prize.
One young man invented a story that lasted three months; but at the end of that time, he could think of nothing more. His fate was a warning to others, and it was a long time before another storyteller was so rash as to try the king’s patience.
But one day a stranger from the South came into the palace.
“Great king,”he said,“is it true that you offer a prize to the man who can tell a story that has no end?”
“It is true,”said the king.
“And shall this man have your fairest daughter for his wife, and shall he be your heir?”
“Yes, if he succeeds,”said the king. “But if he fails, he shall lose his head.”
“Very well, then,”said the stranger,“I have a pleasant story about locusts which I would like to relate.”
“Tell it,”said the king.“I will listen to you.”
The storyteller began his tale.
“Once upon a time a certain king seized upon all the corn in his country, and stored it away in a strong granary. But a swarm o f locusts came over the land and saw where the grain had been put.
After searching for many days they found on the east side of the granary a crevice that was just large enough for one locust to pass through at a time. So one locust went in and carried away a grain of corn; then another locust went in and carried away a grain of corn; then another locust went in and carry away a grain of corn.”
Day after day, week after week, the man kept on saying,“Then another locust went in and carried away a grain of corn.
”A month passed; a year passed. At the end of two years, the king said, “How much longer will the locusts be going in and carrying away corn?”
“O king! ”said the storyteller, “they have as yet cleared only one cubit; and there are many thousand cubits in the granary.”
“Man, man!”cried the king,“you will drive me mad. I can listen to it no longer. Take my daughter; be my heir; rule my kingdom. But do not let me hear another word about those horrible locusts! ”
And so the strange storyteller married the king’s daughter. And he lived happily in the land for many years.
But his father-in-law, the king, did not care to listen to any more stories.
“没有结束的故事”或“说不完的故事”由维吉尼亚州大桂冠(Big Laurel)詹姆斯·泰勒·亚当斯(James Taylor Adams)收集。是詹姆斯·泰勒的珍藏。他说:经过许多人失败后,杰克说了一个冗长乏味重复的故事通,国王说他的“说不完的故事”挑战成功,赢得了国王的女儿。这个故事是关于一只老鼠搬空粮仓,或仓库里的米,在一个时间一次只能搬一粒的故事。
“说不完的故事”或“最长的故事”,“无法结束的故事”在查尔斯L珀杜,(Charles L. Perdue)的智取恶魔(Outwitting the Devil):智者杰克的故事也有此故事。珀杜(Perdue)重印詹姆斯·泰勒的的故事集时,改说“玉米从谷仓每一被搬走一粒。
”在“最长的故事”,由亚当斯(Adams)从弗吉尼亚州圣保罗的约翰·爱德华兹(John Edwards)收集改篇,说:蝗虫一次搬走谷物一粒。但说故事的人不是杰克,而是“来自乡村的一个男孩。”
海利,盖尔 E.( Haley, Gail E.) “最长的故事。”有一个简短故事类似于上面,他说:一只老鼠一次搬走一粒玉米,直到国王觉得索然无味,杰克和国王的女儿结婚和分国王一半的财产。
詹姆士‧鲍德温(Baldwin, James)的泰西五十轶事“说不完的故事”故事的地点设定在遥远的东方,那里有一个国王听了两年有关蝗虫带走谷物的故事,听厌了,将女儿嫁给说故事的人。”此后爱听故事的国王,再也不听故事了。
在珍妮‧优兰( Yolen, Jane)有“说不完的故事”的编集,是来自世界各地最喜欢的民间故事。“说不完的故事”并没有一定的框架。凡是一群小动物,一次只做准其中一只作一个动作,都可以编成说不完的故事。