泰西50軼事(二十五之一)雷古拉斯的故事 江銘輝 五夢網
泰西50軼事(Fifty Famous Stories Retold),是永恆的短篇故事,它收集的故事:包括浩瀚歷史的著名英雄和他們的羅曼史,故事內容有勇氣、毅力和情感。故事人物包括拿破崙、羅賓漢,喬治華盛頓、成吉思汗等人。這些故事都是老少咸宜的故事,我將它逐篇翻譯,並配合圖畫,供大家欣賞。
The Story of Regulus
ON the other side of the sea from Rome there was once a great city named Carthage. The Roman people were never very friendly to the people of Carthage, and at last a war began between them.
For a longtime it was hard to tell which would prove the stronger. First the Romanswould gain a battle, and then the men of Carthage would gain a battle; and so the war went on for many years.
Among the Romans there was a brave general named Regulus, — a man of whom it was said that he never broke his word. It so happened after a while, that Regulus was taken prisoner and carried to Carthage. Ill and very lonely, he dreamed of his wife and little children so far away beyond the sea; and he had but little hope of ever seeing them again.羅馬人中有一個勇敢的將軍叫雷古拉斯(圖1),他是一個從不違背自己諾言的人。在戰爭發生不久以後,雷古拉斯被俘虜了,並被帶到了迦太基。他在疾病和非常孤獨中,他夢想著遙遠海洋的對岸的妻子和小孩子,而他幾乎沒有希望再見到她們了。
He loved his home dearly, but he believed that his first duty was to his country; and so he had left all, to fight in this cruel war.
He had lost a battle, it is true, and had been taken pris oner.
Yet he knew that the Romans were gaining ground, and the people of Carthage were afraid of being beaten in the end. They had sent into other countries to hire soldiers to help them; but even with these they would not be able to fight much longer against Rome.
One day some of the rulers of Carthage came to the prison to talk with Regulus.
“We should like to make peace with the Roman people,”they said, “and we are sure, that, if your rulers at home knew how the war is going, they would be glad to make peace with us. We will set you free and let you go home, if you will agree to do as we say.”
“What is that?”asked Regulus.
“In the first place,”they said, “you must tell the Romans about the battles which you have lost, and you must make it plain to them that they anything by the war.
In the second place, you must promise us, that, if they will not make peace, you will come back to your prison.”
“Very well,”said Regulus, “I promise you, that, if they will not make peace, I will come back to prison.”
And so they let him go; for they knew that a great Roman would keep
his word.
When he came to Rome, all the people greeted him gladly. His wife and children were very happy, for they thought that now they would not be parted again.
The white- haired Fathers who made the laws for the city came to see him. They asked him about the war.
“I was sent from Carthage to ask you to make peace, ”he said.“But it will not be wise to make peace. True, we have been beaten in a few battles, but our army is gaining ground every day. The people of Carthage are afraid, and well they may be. Keep on with the war a little while longer, and Carthage shall be yours. As for me, I have come to bid my wife and children and Rome farewell.
Tomorrow I will start back to Carthage and to prison; for I have promised.”
Then the Fathers tried to persuade him to stay.
“Let us send another man in your place,”they said.
“Shall a Roman not keep his word?”answered Regulus.“I am ill, and at the best have not long to live. I will go back, as I promised.”
His wife and little children wept, and his sons begged him not to leave them again.
“I have given my word,”said Regulus. “The rest will be taken care of.”
Then he bade them goodby, and went bravely back to the prison and the cruel death which he expected.
This wasthe kind of courage that made Rome the greatest city in the world.