泰西50軼事(二十):威廉‧泰爾的故事 江銘輝五夢網
泰西50軼事(Fifty Famous Stories Retold),是永恆的短篇故事,它收集的故事:包括浩瀚歷史的著名英雄和他們的羅曼史,故事內容有勇氣、毅力和情感。故事人物包括拿破崙、羅賓漢,喬治華盛頓、成吉思汗等人。這些故事都是老少咸宜的故事,我將它逐篇翻譯,並配合圖畫,供大家欣賞。
The Story of William Tell
The people of Switzerland were not always free and happy as they are today. Many years ago a proud tyrant, whose name was Gessler, ruled over them, and made their lot a bitter one indeed.
One day this tyrant set up a tall pole in the public square, and put his own cap on the top of it; and then he gave orders that every man who came into the town should bow down before it. But there was one man, named William Tell who would not do this. He stood up straight with folded arm, and laughed at the swinging cap. He would not bow down to Gessler himself.
When Gessler heard o f this, he was very angry. He was afraid that other men would disobey, and that soon the whole country would rebel against him. So he made up his mind to punish the bold man.
William Tell’s home was among the mountains, and he was a famous hunter.
No one in all the land could shoot with bow and arrow so well as he. Gessler knew this, and so he thought of a cruel plan to make the hunter’s own skill bring him to grief.
He ordered that Tell’s little boy should be made to stand up in the public square with an apple on his head; and then he bade Tell shoot the apple with one of his arrows.
Tell begged the tyrant not to have him make this test of his skill. What if the boy should move? What if the bow man’s hand should tremble?
What if the arrow should not carry true?
“Will you make me kill my boy?”he said
“Say no more,”said Gessler. “You must hit the apple with your one arrow. If you fail, my soldiers shall kill the boy before your eyes.”
Then, without another word, Tell fitted the arrow to his bow. He took aim, and let it fly. The boy stood firm and still. He was not afraid, for he had all faith in his father’s skill.
The arrow whistled through the air. It struck the apple fairly in the centre, and carried it away. The people who saw it shouted with joy.
As Tell was turning away from the place, an arrow which he had hidden under his coat dropped to the ground.
“Fellow!”cried Gessler,“what mean you with this second arrow?”
“Tyrant!”was Tell’s proud answer, “this arrow was for your heart if I
had hurt my child.”
And there is an old story, that, not long after this, Tell did shoot the tyrant with one of his arrows; and thus he set his country free.
如楚迪(Tschudi)所說的傳說:威廉泰爾他最初來自烏里(Uri)的伯格蘭恩(Bürglen) ,他是一個強壯的人,攀爬山嶽的人,和精通弓箭射擊。在他的時代,是奧地利的哈布斯堡(Habsburg)王朝的皇帝,謀求統治烏里 (URI)。阿爾布雷希特(Albrecht或赫爾曼:Hermann)蓋斯勒(Gessler),奧地利的皇帝新任命的烏里的首都阿爾特道夫(Altdorf)長官,他在村裡的廣場中央豎立了一個竿子,把帽子掛在它的上面,並要求所有的鄉親在帽子前面鞠躬。
泰爾被帶到蓋斯勒的船,準備將他關到屈斯纳赫特(Küssnacht)城堡的一個地牢。但是,一個暴風襲擊盧塞恩(Lucerne)湖,士兵們害怕他們的船會會沉沒,並將強壯的泰爾鬆綁,帶到駕駛室。泰爾利用機會逃脫了,他從船上跳到岩石上(圖3),現在這個地方被稱為Tellsplatte (即泰爾的板)及紀念泰爾。
泰爾跑過鄉村到了屈斯纳赫特(Küssnacht )。正好蓋斯勒也抵達,泰爾用第二隻箭射死他,屈斯纳赫特(Küssnacht )現在被稱為霍爾蓋西 (Hohle Gasse)泰爾吹起的自由,掀起反抗的火花,他扮演一個領導的人,推動了瑞士聯邦的誕生。
泰爾在再次抵抗奧地利時間是1315年的摩加坦(Morgarten)戰役。楚迪(Tschudi)也有泰爾死亡在1354年的說明,根據傳說他試圖挽救溺水在烏里的夏克巴(Schächenb ach)河的小孩子而被殺死。
第一次提到威廉·泰爾的書是薩爾嫩(Sarnen)的白皮書。這本卷是一個叫漢斯·施賴伯(Hans Schreiber)於1475年寫的。它描述1291年,有關泰爾的英雄事蹟。
該文本,然後列舉了南部邦聯各州,它延伸當時的勃艮第戰爭(Burgundy Wars)的戰況,最後以1477年大膽的查爾斯(Charles the Bold:勃艮第公爵)去世作結束。
圖4是阿爾特道夫(Altdorf)的威廉泰爾和他的兒子的雕像。(作者Wilhelm_Tell_Denkmal_Altdorf_um_1900.jpeg: (not named))