泰西50轶事(十九):格蕾丝‧达琳 江铭辉 五梦网
泰西50轶事(Fifty Famous Stories Retold),是永恒的短篇故事,它收集的故事:包括浩瀚历史的著名英雄和他们的罗曼史,故事内容有勇气、毅力和情感。故事人物包括拿破仑、罗宾汉,乔治华盛顿、成吉思汗等人。这些故事都是老少咸宜的故事,我将它逐篇翻译,并配合图画,供大家欣赏。
Grace Darling
It was a dark September morning. There was a storm at sea. A ship had been driven on a low rock off the shores of the Farne Islands.
It had been broken in two by the waves, and half of it had been washed aways.
The other half lay yet on the rock, and those of the crew who were still alive were clinging to it. But the waves were dashing over it, and in a little while it too would be carried to the bottom.
Could any one save the poor, half-drowned men who were there?
On one of the islands was a light house; and there, all through that stormy night, Grace Darling had listened to the storm.
图1:格蕾丝‧达琳(摘自维基百科,作者:Eva Hope )
Grace was the daughter of the lighthouse keeper, and she had lived by the sea as long as she could remember.
In the darkness of the night, above the noise of the winds and waves,
she heard screams and wild cries.
When daylight came she could see the wreck, a mile away, with the angry water all around it. She could see the men clinging to the masts.
“We must try to save them!”she cried. “Let us go out in the boat at once!”
“It is of no use, Grace,”said her father.“We cannot reach them.”
He was an old man, and he knew the force of the mighty waves.
“We cannot stay here and see them die,”said Grace. “We must at
least try to save them.”
Her father could not say,“No.”
In a few minutes they were ready. They set off in the heavy lighthouse boat. Grace pulled one oar, and her father the other, and they made straight“ towards the wreck.
But it was hard rowing against such a sea, and it seemed as though they would never reach the place.
At last they were close to the rock, and now they were in greater danger than before. The fierce waves broke against the boat, and it would have been dashed in pieces, had it not been for the strength and skill of the brave girl.
But after many trials, Grace’ s father climbed upon the wreck, while Grace herself held the boat. Then one by one the worn-out crew were helped on board.
It was all that the girl could do to keep the frail boat from being drifted away, or broken upon the sharp edges of the rock.
Then her father clambered back into his place. Strong hands grasped the oars, and by and by all were safe in the lighthouse.
There Grace proved to be no less tender as a nurse than she had been brave as a sailor.
在灯塔中,格蕾丝被说比护士还温柔,超过刚才如同水手般的勇敢,She cared most kindly for the shipwrecked men until the storm had died awayand they were strong enough to go to their own homes.
All this happened a long time ago, but the name of Grace Darling will never be forgotten. She lies buried now in a little church yard by the sea,not far from her old home.
Every year many people go there to see her grave; and there a monument hasbeen placedin honour of the brave girl. It is not a large monument, but it is one that speaks of the noble deed which made Grace Darling famous. It is a figure carved in stone of a woman lying at rest with a boat’s oar held fast in her right hand.
格雷斯‧达琳(1815年11月24日 - 1842年10月20日)是英国灯塔看守人的女儿,以1838年拯救福法尔郡(Forfarshire)船遇难的幸存者闻名于世。
格蕾丝达琳于1815年11月24日出生于诺森伯兰镇(Northumbrian)的班堡(Bamburgh),是灯塔看守人威廉·达琳和他的妻子托马西娜(Thomasina)的女儿,几乎没有迹象显示她会成为一个维多利亚时代的最受欢迎的女英雄和一个著名的媒体人物。父亲威廉首先是福法尔群岛之间的布朗斯灯塔(Brownstone)的看守人,但在1826年转移到新的长石灯塔(Longstone)当看守人,这是更好提醒航行到福法尔群岛(Farne Islands)的船只:达琳的名字将与长石灯塔永远成名,并与在失去了福法尔群岛失事的船只一起成名。
1838年9月7日的凌晨,格蕾丝,从福法尔群岛长石灯塔(Longstone Lighthouse)楼上的窗户,发现在一个低岩石岛附近有沉船和幸存者,该船已经断成两半:一半在夜间已经沉没。
她和她的父亲威廉确定天气太恶劣了不适合救生艇出航,所以他们采取了用划艇(一个 21英尺4人的苏格兰的平底渔船去拯救失事的人。
这时救生艇已从于锡豪西斯(Seahouses)出发,但到达后,格雷丝和她的父亲已完成了他们的救援行动:这时他们发现了道森太太的二个孩子和一个牧师的尸体。因为救生艇要返回北桑德兰(North Sunderland)太危险了,威廉让他们划到灯塔暂时避难。格雷丝的弟弟,威廉‧布鲁克斯‧达琳,是救生艇上七名渔民之一。由于天气恶劣,每个人都不得不留在灯塔,三天后才回到陆地上。
这只船载着62人,船撞击岩石后几乎立即分成二半。那些由格雷丝和她的父亲从船只的船头部分救出的人在船沉没之前,已经留在的岩石上有一段时间了。在破晓时所有留下来只是左舷的外壳。其他九个乘客和船员,设法从船尾船尾快沉下去之前,到一只浮着的救生艇上。并搭上一只路过蒙特罗斯(Montrose)的多帆单桅小船,在当夜就到南西尔兹(South Shieldst)。
格雷丝‧达琳在1842年死于肺结核,享年 26岁。
格雷斯是与她的父亲和母亲埋在班堡(Bamburgh)圣艾当(St. Aidan)教堂的墓地,坟墓适中,在那里附近有一个精心制作的纪念碑是为了纪念她的生活。在1848年,在圣库斯伯特教堂(St. Cuthbert’s Chapel)的大福法尔岛(Great Farne Island)为她竖立一个哀悼的石碑。
格雷丝的成就是远近驰名的:她除了受到国家的喝彩,也收到了大量金钱奖励。许多对格雷丝达琳虚构的传说的,诸如杰罗尔德弗农(Jerrold Vernon)在1839所写的格雷丝达琳,或小岛的少女,从而催生了「海风吹拂那少女的头发“的传说。她尽忠职守的行为,被威廉华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)在1843年,写成一首诗。一只救生艇以她的名字送给圣岛(Holy Island)。
由威廉斯科特·贝尔(William Bell Scott)在诺森伯兰(Northumberland)沃林顿会馆(Wallington Hall)作了一系列维多利亚时代的绘画,描绘了她的抢救行为。
在班堡(Bamburgh),有一个专门为她的成就和该地区的航海生活的博物馆。它在整修后于2007年12月重开。皇家全国救生艇协会默西级救生艇(Mersey class lifeboat)在锡豪西斯取名叫格蕾丝‧达琳。
歌手兼作曲家斯托伯的戴夫堂兄弟们(Dave Cousins of Strawbs )写了一首格雷斯‧达琳,表示敬意和作为爱的歌曲。
东北的音乐剧作家“丹尼斯‧阿‧韦斯特盖特斯(Dennis A Westgate)”写的一个关于达琳生活的音乐,从童年一直到她1842年去世的生活。首演是在2010年7月,由总部设在纽约的约克星(York Stars)的小区剧团开始的,以帮助发杨格雷斯达琳和皇家国家救生艇协会 (RNLI)的工作。
理查德德·阿姆斯特朗(Richard Armstrong)在他1965年格雷丝达琳的传记说:格雷丝达琳可能有兔唇。他是唯一在传记里这样说的人,但这个理论,这已经由其他的专家强烈的质疑。