泰西50轶事(三):海边的凯努特王 江铭辉 五梦网
泰西50轶事(Fifty Famous Stories Retold),是永恒的短篇故事,它收集的故事:包括浩瀚历史的著名英雄和他们的罗曼史,故事内容有勇气、毅力和情感。故事人物包括拿破仑、罗宾汉,乔治华盛顿、成吉思汗等人。这些故事都是老少咸宜的故事,我将它逐篇翻译,并配合图画,供大家欣赏。
King Canute on the seashore
A Hundred years or more after the time of Alfred the Great there was a king of England named Canute. King Canute was a Dane; but the Danes were not so fierce and cruel then as they had been when they were at war with King Alfred.
The great men and officers who were around King Canute were always praising' him.
"You are the greatest man that ever lived, "one would say.
Then another would say, "O king! there can never be another man so mighty as you."
And another would say, " Great Canute, there is nothing, in the world that dares to disobey you."
The king was a man of sense, and he grew very tired of hearing such foolish speeches.
One day he was by the seashore, and his officers were with' him. They were praising him, as they were in the habit of doing. He thought that now he would teach them a lesson,and so he bade them set his chair on the beach close by the edge of the water.
"Am I. the greatest man in the world?" he asked.
"我是世界上最伟大的人吗? "他问。
" O King ! " they cried, " there is no one so mighty as you."
"啊。国王! "他们大声喊道,没有一个人像你这样的有权威。
"Do all things obey me?" he asked.
"所有的东西都服从我吗? " 他问。
" There is nothing that dares to disobey you, O King ! " they said. " "The world bows before you'', and "gives you honour."
"没有一样东西敢不服从你,啊,国王? " 他们说,"全世界的东西都向你鞠躬,而且尊敬你。
" Will the sea obey me ? he asked; and he looked down at the little waves which were lapping the sand at his feet.
"海会服从我吗? "他问;同时他低头看着沙滩上正在拍打他脚下的小浪花。
The foolish officers were puzzled, but they did not dare to say "No."
"Command it, O king! and it will obey," said one.
"Sea, " cried Canute, "I command you to come no farther"! Waves, stop your rolling, and do not dare to touch my feet!"
But the tide came in, just as it always did.
The water rose higher and higher. It came up around the king's chair; and wet not only his feet but also his robe. His officers stood about him, alarmed, and wondering whether he was not mad.
Then Canute took off hia crown, and threw it down upon the sand.
" I shall never wear it again," he said. " And do you, my men, learn a lesson from what you have seen. There is only one King who is all-powerful; and it is he who rules the sea, and holds the ocean in the hollow of his hand. It is he whom you ought to praiae and serve above all others."
凯努特大帝(Canute;985-1035),经常被称为盎格鲁-斯堪的纳维亚或北海帝国的国王。他去世后,他的继承人在十年之内也死亡,英国在1066年被诺曼(Norman)征服,历史学家诺曼·康托尔说,尽管他并非盎格鲁 - 撒克逊人,但他是英国历史上“最有成效的国王”克努特是丹麦和斯拉夫血统。