泰西50轶事(一):阿尔弗雷德国王和面饼 江铭辉 五梦网
泰西50轶事(Fifty Famous Stories Retold ),是永恒的短篇故事,它收集的故事:包括浩瀚历史的著名英雄和他们的罗曼史,故事内容有勇气、毅力和情感。故事人物包括拿破仑、罗宾汉,乔治华盛顿、成吉思汗等人。这些故事都是老少咸宜的故事,我将它逐篇翻译,并配合图画,供大家欣赏。
King Alfred and the cakes
Many years ago there lived in England a wise and good king whose name was Alfred. No other man ever did so much. for his country as he ; and people now, all over the world, speak of him as Alfred the Great.
In those days a king did not have a very easy life . There was war almost all the time, and no one else could lead his army into battle so well as he. And so, between ruling and fighting , he had a busy time of it indeed.
A fierce, rude people , called the Danes , had come from over the sea, and were fighting the English. There were so many of them,. and they were so bold and strong, that for a long time they gained every battle. If they kept on, they would soon be the masters of the whole country.
At last, after a great battle, the English army was broken up and scattered. Every man, had to save himself in the best way he could. King Alfred fled alone , in great haste , through the woods and swamps.
Late in the day the king ,came to the hut of a woodcutter. He was very tired and hungry, and he begged the woodcutter's wife to give him something to eat and a place to sleep in her hut.
The woman was baking some cakes upon the hearth , and she looked with pity upon the poor, ragged fellow who seemed so hungry. She had no thought that he was the. king.
"Yes," she said, "I will give you some super if you will watch these cakes. " I want to go out and milk the cow ; and yon must see that they do not burn while I am gone."
King Alfred was very, willing to watch the cakes, but he had far greater things to think about . How was he going. to get his army together again ? And how was he going to drive the fierce Danes out of the land ? He forgot his hunger; he forgot the cakes; he forgot that he was in the woodcutter's hut. His mind was busy making plans for tomorrow.
In a little while the woman came back. The cakes were smoking on the hearth. They were burned to a crisp. Ah, how angry she was!
" You lazy fellow ! " she cried. "See what you have done ! You want something to eat, but you do not want to work "
"你这懒惰的家伙! "她喊道,"看,你做了什么事!你想要东西吃,但是你却不想耍工作! "(图2)
I have been told that she even struck the king with a stick; but I can hardly believe that she was so ill-natured.
The king must have laughed to himself at the thought of being scolded in this way; and he was so hungry that he did not mind the woman's angry words half so much as the loss of the cakes.
I do not know whether he had anything to eat that night, or whether he had to go to bed without his supper. But it was not many days until he had gathered his men together again, and had beaten the Danes in a great battle.
阿尔弗雷德(849~899),英格兰韦塞克斯王国国王(871~899)。年轻时受过军事训练。他因作为南英格兰的盎克-鲁萨克森国王抵抗丹麦人的入侵而闻名于世,并因此成为惟一一个被授予“大帝”(the Great)名号的英格兰皇帝。他是第一个将自己命名为“盎克鲁-鲁萨克森之王”的西萨克森皇帝。他的生活细节被10世纪的威尔士学者和主教阿瑟记录下 来。他是一个善于学习的人,鼓励教育,翻译大批古典名著,并编纂《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》,大力完善他的国家的法律体系和军队结构。他被一些天主教徒视为圣徒,但从未得到官方认可。英国圣公会尊称他为天主教英雄,并在10月26日设立节日纪念他。他通常被描绘在英国教堂的彩色玻璃上。
为了纪念阿尔弗雷德,维多利亚女王的亲属Gleichen伯爵制作了一尊阿尔弗雷德大帝的全身雕像,并于1877年7月14日由威尔士亲王和王妃在万蒂奇广场(Wantage Market Place)揭幕。