狐狸和乌鸦 伊索着 江铭辉 五梦网
狐狸走到树底下,大声称赞:「多么美丽高贵的乌鸦啊! 她有美丽的身段,姣好的脸蛋,喔!如果她的嗓音能够和她的外型一样美丽,她将成为鸟中女王的不二人选。这些话全部是狐狸的诡计,但是乌鸦却没有想到,她急于反驳,响应狐狸对她声音的批评,唱出响亮的啼声,于是肉应声落下来。狐狸很快拾起肉片,就对乌鸦说:「我的善良乌鸦,妳的声音还可以,但妳缺乏地是智慧。」
The fox and the crow
A Crow having stolen a bit of flesh, perched in a tree, and held it in her beak. A Fox seeing her, longed to possess himself of the flesh; and by a wily stratagem succeeded.
“ How beautiful is the Crow," he exclaimed, "in the beauty of her shape and in the fairness of her complexion! Oh, if her voice were only equal to her beauty, she would deservedly be considered the queen of Birds!" This he said deceitfully; but the crow, anxious to refute the reflection cast upon her voice, set up a loud caw, and dropped the flesh. The fox quickly picked it up, and thus addressed the Crow; "My good crow, your voice is right enough, but your wit is wanting.”